2008年7月25日 星期五

恐怖真相: FDA研究癲癇藥,證實會增加自殺念頭。

聯合起來, 控告你的醫院、醫生、護士、藥劑師! 甚至是醫管局!企圖傷害罪! 甚至是謀殺罪!

恐怖真相: FDA研究癲癇藥,證實會增加自殺念頭,


如果有人被醫生強迫服用癲癇藥, 而之後有嚴重抑鬱、躁狂、精神病、甚至自殺


請聯合起來, 控告你的醫院、醫生、護士、藥劑師! 甚至是醫管局!

為什麼我們要收集資料? 因為病人集體受害!

不良醫生、垃圾醫護對藥物毫無認識, 甚至只是皮毛, 或與藥商勾結

當一個人情緒有問題, 他們可能求助精神科

醫生往往處方抗抑鬱藥物, 但藥物副作用令病人情緒反覆(詳見網誌),醫生便處方副作用更強烈的

其他精神科藥物, 但藥物令病人腦神經抽搐,醫生再處方防止抽搐的癲癇藥...


特別是一些住院者, 他們不能拒絕藥物.....

your drugs may be your problem................................

FDA Issues Warning About Epilepsy Drugs

Risk of suicidal thoughts found in numerous drugs
An FDA analysis of suicidality reports from placebo-controlled studies of 11 antiepileptic drugs shows that patients taking these drugs have about twice the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors (0.43 percent), compared with patients receiving placebo (0.22 percent).
Patients who are currently taking antiepileptic medicines should not make any changes without first talking to their health care provider.

Health care providers should notify patients, their families, and caregivers of the potential for an increase in the risk of suicidal thoughts or behaviors so that patients may be closely observed for notable changes in behavior.

Following a preliminary analysis of data from several antiepileptic drugs that suggested an increased risk of suicidality, in March 2005 FDA requested this type of data from manufacturers of marketed antiepileptic drugs for which there were adequately designed controlled clinical trials. FDA received and reviewed data from 199 placebo-controlled studies of 11 drugs.
The analysis included 27,863 patients in drug treatment groups and 16,029 patients in placebo groups. There were four suicides among patients in the drug treatment groups and none among patients in placebo groups. There were 105 reports of suicidal thoughts or behaviors in the drug-treated patients and 35 reports in placebo-treated patients.

The higher risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors was observed at one week after starting a drug and continued to at least 24 weeks. The results were generally consistent among all the different drug products studied and were seen in all demographic subgroups. There was no clear pattern of risk across age groups.

Antiepileptic drugs in the analyses included:
Carbamazepine (marketed as Carbatrol, Equetro, Tegretol, Tegretol XR)
Felbamate (marketed as Felbatol)
Gabapentin (marketed as Neurontin)
Lamotrigine (marketed as Lamictal)
Levetiracetam (marketed as Keppra)
Oxcarbazepine (marketed as Trileptal)
Pregabalin (marketed as Lyrica)
Tiagabine (marketed as Gabitril)
Topiramate (marketed as Topamax)
Valproate (marketed as Depakote, Depakote ER, Depakene, Depacon)
Zonisamide (marketed as Zonegran)
Some of these drugs also are available in generic form

部分翻譯: 抗癲癇葯會增加病人自殺傾向


  據美國醫學研究人員的調查結果,在服用常規抗癲癇葯物治療癲癇、偏頭痛、雙極性精神病和其它疾病的16,029名病人中,平均每1000人即有2.1人自殺。這一比例大大高於其它精神病葯物的自殺率。因此,FDA建議臨床醫生在給癲癇病人或其它病人開常規抗癲癇葯處方時要謹慎,至少不要讓病人長時間服用這類葯物(服葯時間越長,則病人自殺傾向越高)。FDA公布的常規抗癲癇葯物名單主要有:Carbamazepine Felbamate Gabapentin Lamotrigine Levetiracetam oxcarbazepine Pregabalin Tiagabine Topiramate Valproate Zonisamide


之前收集資料有網友的院友曾因住院, 被醫生處方副作用強烈精神科藥物


最後是昏迷! 雖然該網友的院友現在已脫離危險.....

但醫生濫用藥物, 醫護的虐待........

嚴重危害病人性命, 我們不能坐視不理!

你們知道些甚麼? 請與我們聯絡
